Like many other pieces of equipment in the archery industry, not all arrows are created equal. Manufacturers will often advertise a dead on arrow spine or a certain “grains per inch” weight, but who holds them to their word? Up until now, no one really has…. We are changing that. Enter our “Arrow Tests and Arrow Manufacturer Scores.”
Our Arrow Tests
We look at 3 groups of measurable data with the arrows we test. They are all comparable to what the manufacturer says they should be. Let’s see who is delivering the most accurate product according to what they advertise.
Arrow Weight
Manufacturers will advertise what their arrows should weigh (in grains) per inch of shaft length. In this test, we simply weight the bare arrow shafts and then divide them by their total length in inches. We will chart the weight of each arrow and also display a line on the graph representing the advertised weight per inch. The results of the test will be averaged out amongst the 12 arrows weighed and the final grade will be based on the accuracy of all the arrows tested to date.
Average Arrow Spine
In this test, we will measure the spine of an arrow every 45° of it’s circumference and record it. This will leave us with 8 readings that will be