Anyone who shoots a bow will at some point look down at their bows string and cable(s) and think  “I wonder if I should replace those”. The next rational thought is where should I go or what brand strings should I use?

Bow Strings  have changed a lot in recent years. It used to mean a trip to the local archery shop.  That shop would just install whatever they had in stock. Times have changed thankfully and we as archers now have the following options:  what brand, materials, and colors we use on our bow. In the 60X string review we will look at what they have to offer.
60X Custom StringsÂ
60X Custom Strings was founded by 3 time world and 5 time national champion Brad Patsy. They are located in Cowansville, Pennsylvania. 60X Custom strings have been used by shooters to record an impressive 85 national championships since 2001 . Looking at the pedigree that is behind these strings it is clear 60X Custom Strings must be doing something right.

60X Custom String Prices
- BCY 452x Custom String Set – $75
- BCY X Custom String Set – $75
- BCY 8190 Custom String Set – $70
- BCY X 3,4 and Pinstripe Custom String Sets – $100
- Strings and Cables can be ordered  individually with the bass price being $28 for cables and $45 for strings.
- When using Pin Stripes and 3 0r 4 colors increases the cost increases to $40 for cables and $60 for strings.
Look and Fit of 60x Custom Strings
After ordering our 60X Custom strings they arrived promptly. The look was that of a high quality set of strings. The first thing we did was to measure the String and cables, they were exactly to specifications we requested. Upon installing the strings and ensure my cam lean was correct I measured the my axle to axle and brace height and found both to be correct. The center serving and serving for the string stop were also both properly located.
The overall look and fit of these strings and cables are that of a high quality manufacturer. After taking about 150 shots with the 60X Custom Strings there was was no peep rotation and the bow still measures at the manufacturers specifications.
To see all of what 60X Custom strings has to offer their website is
I can vouch for these strings. I just installed a set on my bow and my buddy’s bow. Neither string set needed more than a twist or two to get the cams in sync (both binary cam bows). I ordered them off ebay for the best possible price. Both times, I received the strings within 10 days from clicking “buy now.”
I probably shoot 2000-3000 arrows a year (15-20 arrows every other day) and I believe these strings will hold up.