Obsession Bows

obsession bowsObsession Bows is a new manufacturer on the archery scene and is based out of Middle, Georgia. Their bows are increasing in popularity due to their designs coming from one of the industry’s most talented and controversial guys, Kevin Strothers.  His designs have been responsible for some of the best selling bows in past years with various companies.

Some of Obsession Bow’s technologies include the following:

  • Evolution Cam
    This smooth and fast cam comes with draw stops for a solid wall. It is considered to be one of the most efficient two track dual sync cams on the market.
  • Angled Cable Rod
    This cable rod reduces friction on the cables and torque on the bow’s riser.
  • Slim Torque Free Grip
    This sleek torque free grip is not only comfortable in design but is comparable to the most popular competition grips on the market.

Obsession Bows can be reached at:




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Obsession 2017Def-Con M6Z6.00035632.250
Obsession 2017Def-Con M7Z7.00034632.250
Obsession 2017Hemorrhage DE7.00034030.000
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Obsession 2016Def-Con 66.00036032.250
Obsession 2016Def-Con M66.00035232.25
Obsession 2016Def-Con M77.00034432.25
Obsession 2016Final Cut7.87532937
Obsession 2016Sniper GT7.00034030
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Obsession 2016Addiction OBB7.00034034
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Obsession 2016Phoenix XL7.00033236
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Obsession 2016K347.00034434
Obsession 2015Evolution6.00035332.000
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Obsession 2015Phoenix734332
Obsession 2015Sniper CT733430.75
Obsession 2015Obsession LT734329.875
Obsession 2014Evolution6.00035332.000
Obsession 2014Addiction733435
Obsession 2014Phoenix734332
Obsession 2014Sniper CT733430.75
Obsession 2014Obsession LT734329.875