I know I have…
It takes patience to be a bowhunter. Bowhunting is not like duck hunting where you can move around, socialize, have a coffee, tell jokes, cook breakfast in the blind etc…
It takes a special person to sit motionless in a tree stand during all kinds of weather with nothing but time to think to yourself. Other than a couple minutes here and there thinking about your hunting situation, what do you think about? You can think yourself crazy! Enter the smart phone.
When the iPhone first came out, it changed everything; especially downtime in the tree. I’ve had a smart phone for years and it has allowed me to keep my sanity in the tree when thinking to myself lost its appeal. This in-tree entertainment is great but it can lead to disaster if you let it. Ever slept a deer? I have. Not many, but I have. When you’re bored and have turned to the phone, its critical to scan first, then do what you have to do, and scan again. Deer are sneaky!
Its nice to receive text updates from friends who are hunting as well. Many times I’ve also received heads ups from friends that deer are heading my way. That’s a big plus if you’re hunting with others. Other times, the action is so dead that you may find any way possible to amuse yourself. My buddy Tony (man of a million faces), who has killed over 75 deer, has fallen victim to this as well. He will sometimes send me a picture message while we are both hunting that will crack me up.
Now if I am down on my luck, not seeing deer, and get one of these pics from my buddy, it definitely boosts my moral. After I get that text though, I have no choice but to send him one back out of respect.
Goofy? Yes. But we are cool with that.