In archery our goal is to be perfect; delivering repeatable results shot after shot. This takes excellent form and a bow that is in tune. When super tuning equipment, how can we eliminate human error in order to really deliver the same results on every shot? The answer is a shooting machine. In this review, we are going to take a close look at the Coop’s Bowsmith Pro archery shooting machine.
The Features of the Coops Bowsmith Pro
The Coops Bowsmith Pro, made out of extruded aluminum, is a lightweight, fully adjustable shooting machine that can accommodate any compound bow.
The Drawing Devices
Starting from right to left, you have the winch which is connected to the release mechanism. The release mechanism slides smoothly in the frame in order to attach to the bow string. When the winch draws the bow to full draw, there is a draw stop block that you can set to ensure that you always draw to the same spot.
The release mechanism is a located on the sliding block and offers vertical adjustment for proper alignment with the D Loop. This device was engineered with safety in mind by offering a trigger lock pin and a secondary safety snap that snaps around the bowstring in case of a D Loop failure.
If you want to fire your bow from full draw, leave the safety devices uninstalled, nock an arrow and draw your bow with the winch until you hit your draw stop block. Once at full draw, verify that your arrow is on target and simply slowly pull the trigger.
The Bow Holders
The bow is held by one of two pieces. The first, the bow hand, is an adjustable vice-like device that compresses and grabs the bow. The bow hand’s 5/8″ threaded rod attaches to the torque box which is a fully adjustable in order to set the bow perfectly plumb.
Simply back off one of the retaining knobs, insert your bow, adjust for the width of your bow’s grip, and tighten it down. By locking the bow into the bow hand, you can rest assured that it’s fixed position will deliver repeatable results.
The second means of attachment of the bow is the zero torque bow holder. The zero torque bow holder is a compression free holding arm that allows the bow to pivot to, fro, left and right as needed during the execution of the shot. It uses a bungee cord to ensure the bow doesn’t fall from the holding arm. Some users prefer this bow holding device while paper tuning or bare shaft tuning their bow.
Paper Tuning Jig (optional)
The optional Paper Tuning Jig is a handy tuning device that attaches to the front of the Coop’s Bowsmith Pro like an additional Swiss Army knife blade. While installed, it offers a simple way to paper tune your bow thanks to an easy to use compression frame and roll of thin tuning paper. Not in the paper tuning mode? No problem; just pivot the frame to the side to clear the path of the shot.
Bowmaster L Brackets
The Bowmaster L Brackets are completely adjustable brackets that you can install during during the draw cycle to act as a bow press.
To use, start drawing your bow with the Bowsmith Pro until the Bowmaster L Brackets can hook over the limb tips (always try to use the longest setting/stops on the Bowmaster cable). Once securely hooked over the limb tips, back off the Bowsmith Pro’s winch to allow the Bowmaster L Brackets to lock the limbs in place thus freeing up the cable(s) and bowstring. Do your necessary work and reverse the process to bring bow to its original state.
Our Thoughts on the Coop’s Bowsmith Pro
The Coop’s Bowsmith Pro is a great tool for the Do-It-Yourself archer or any archery proshop. It allows you to do pretty much everything tuning and maintenance related except for changing out limbs. The engineering was well thought out and it’s light weight makes it extremely portable. If you’re looking into a draw board, bow press, and shooting machine all rolled up into one, we suggest giving the Coop’s Bowsmith Pro a try. For more information, check them out at
Coop's Bowsmith Pro Scores
Quality of Construction
Ease of Use
The Coops Bowsmith Pro is a great tool for the serious bow technician.
Bow press vs bowsmith
Hello, Thank you for the great reviews. I have been looking to buy a bow press and draw board. I am new to this stuff but want to learn how to work on my own bows. I have been looking at presses like the ez green and ez deluxe. Then I saw this review. For home use would it better to buy a bow press and draw board or go with the bowsmith pro. Also, is one easier or safer to use?
Thank you again,
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