Corey Haas

Corey is an avid bowhunter, archer and outdoor writer. He has been hunting since 1982 and started his passion with bowhunting in 1991. His focus is to help others involved in the sport of archery and to compete professionally in indoor, 3D and field archery.

leupold fulldraw 2 rangefinder

Leupold FullDraw 2 Digital Archery Rangefinder Review

A rangefinder is one of the most important items a bowhunter can take into the field. They are often the difference between a properly placed shot and a miss, or even worse, a poorly placed shot. Whether you range your hunting area before animals approach, or range distances while animals approaching, a good rangefinder will deliver accurate

Leupold FullDraw 2 Digital Archery Rangefinder Review Read More »

innerloc shape shifter

Innerloc Shape Shifter Broadhead Review

At this year’s ATA Show in Louisville, Kentucky, I only noticed a couple of broadheads that had a radical new design. One of these broadheads is the Innerloc Shape Shifter broadhead. It’s “outside the box” design features a clear, brittle, exoskeleton plastic shell that conceals the entire mechanical broadhead while ensuring the broadhead flies exactly

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