The main archery knots an archer will use are the D Loop and the “serving knot”. The D Loop is the “D” shaped cord which is tied to the bow string at the nocking point providing the archer with the best possible place to attach his or her release aid. For instructions on tying the D Loop, click here.
The other main archery knot is what we call the “serving knot.” This knot is used above and below the peep sight, used on a drop away rest’s cord when attaching it to the downward cable, and is very closely related to how a bow string’s serving is tied in.
How To Tie Archery Knots
1. With a good at least a foot of braided musky line or serving line, start looping back over the line. Spiral back over the line at least 4 times. After the 4 or more wraps, we will be now moving the dormant straight line out of the way
2. Now we will wrap over our “loop” at least 4 times.
3. After the four or more wraps, we can thread our “working end” through the loop and pull through to the knotting point.
5. With both ends of the line at the center of the knot, pull to tighten the knot to the bowstring. With our serving knot tight, we can finish it off with two square knots. To secure the square knots, carefully melt the ends and push them into the remainder of the knot for a good set.
The serving knot, if installed correctly, should grab very tightly on the string and not slip. To remove a serving knot, very carefully cut the string’s melted knot with your knife blade parallel to the bow string or cable. Cut a little at a time. Once you cut through the knot, you should be able to work the rest of the knot off the bow string.
Peep Sight Archery Knot Video With A Large Rope
Peep Sight Archery Know Video With Braided Musky Line
Archery Knot Without Using A Loop
Be sure to brush up on these other bow tech basics.
- parts of the compound bow
- how to find your draw length
- how to adjust draw length
- how to adjust draw weight
- how to use a bow press
- how to use proper archery form